
Reviewed papers in international & domestic journals


Kimura, K. and T. Okuro. (2025) Biomineralized sand facilitates the structural development of cyanobacterial biocrust. Journal of Arid Environments, 227, 105339

Kimura, K. and T. Okuro. (2025) Response of incubated cyanobacterial biocrust on biomineralized soil to trampling disturbance and watering frequency. Restoration Ecology, 33(3), e14379. doi: 10.1111/rec.14379.

Kono, A., Kimura, K., Yamada, S., Koyanagi, T.F., Yamanaka, N., Yoshikawa, K., Tsuchiya, K., Okuro, T. (2025) Effectiveness of sand-fixing measures for restoration of vegetation and mitigation of wind erosion and deposition in a degraded sandy rangeland, northern China. Ecological Engineering, 211, 107456.


Almarines NR, Hashimoto S, Pulhin JM, Tiburan Jr CL, Magpantay AT, Saito O (2024) Influence of Image Compositing and Multisource Data Fusion on Multitemporal Land Cover Mapping of Two Philippine Watersheds. Remote Sensing 16:2167

Almarines NR, Hashimoto S, Pulhin JM, Predo CD, Pulhin FB, Magpantay AT, Saito O (2024) Spatiotemporal dynamics of bioproduction systems and ecosystem services in the Baroro and Pagsanjan-Lumban watersheds, Philippines. Paddy and Water Environment 1-24

Buke C, Hashimoto S (2024) Integrate brownfield greening into urban planning: A review from the perspective of Ecosystem Services. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 128642

Debnath J, Sahariah D, Nath N, Saikia A, Lahon D, Islam MN, Hashimoto S, Meraj G, Kumar P, Singh SK (2024) Modelling on assessment of flood risk susceptibility at the Jia Bharali River basin in Eastern Himalayas by integrating multicollinearity tests and geospatial techniques. Modeling earth systems and environment 10:2393-2419

Hashimoto S, Dasgupta R, Saito O, Johnson BA, Takahashi Y, Kumar P, Yoshida T, Huang W, Mathur VB, Talukdar G (2024) Plausible alternative future of mangroves and their ecosystem services: Case studies from Asia-Pacific region. APN Science Bulletin 14:17-27

Huang W, Hashimoto S, Yoshida T, Saito O, Meraj G (2024) Understanding Japan’s Land-use Dynamics between 1987 and 2050 using Land Accounting and Scenario Analysis. Sustainability Science

Kageyama S, Saito T, Tajima Y, Hashimoto S (2024) Human–nature connectedness is positively correlated with the perceived value of nature regardless of urbanization levels. Sustainability Science 1-18

Lahon D, Meraj G, Hashimoto S, Debnath J, Baba AM, Farooq M, Islam MN, Singh SK, Kumar P, Kanga S (2024) Projected trends in ecosystem service valuation in response to land use land cover dynamics in Kishtwar High Altitude National Park, India. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 1-26

Nantavisai M, Hashimoto S, Meraj G (2024) Unraveling changes in deltas: Exploring drivers and consequences through the Lens of the IPBES conceptual framework. Science of The Total Environment 175865

Singha P, Dasgupta R, Hashimoto S, Mitra BK (2024) An integrated coastal exposure modelling approach to assist mangrove ecosystem based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) in Tamil Nadu, India. Progress in Disaster Science 24:100388

Wan M, Han Y, Song Y, Hashimoto S (2024) Estimating and projecting the effects of urbanization on the forest habitat quality in a highly urbanized area. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 128270

Zhou Y, Saito T, Haga C, Hashimoto S, Matsui T (2024) Visualization of the relational values between humans and nature in Japan: applying geospatial data-driven methodology. Environmental Information Science 53:147-147

Kimura, K. and T. Okuro. (2024) Cyanobacterial biocrust on biomineralized soil mitigates freeze–thaw effects and preserves structure and ecological functions. Microbial Ecology, 87, 69.

矢野菜々絵・木村圭一・大黒俊哉 (2024) 耕作放棄地における湿生植物群落再生のための環境評価手法の検討. 日本緑化工学会誌, 50(1), 131-134.


Kono, A. and T. Okuro. (2023) Development and validation of vegetation indicators for the occurrence of saltation that consider the spatial distribution of vegetation. Aeolian Research, 63, 100886.

Mekuriaw, S., A.Tsunekawa, T. Ichinohe, F. Tegegne, N. Haregeweyn, N. Kobayashi, Y. Mekuriaw, A. Tassew, M. Wale, S. Ali, M. Tsubo, T. Okuro, D.T. Meshesha, G. Abebe. (2023) Selection and evaluation of promising indigenous fodder trees and shrubs as supplemental diets for ruminant animals across different agroecological environments. African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 41(1), 1-14.

Uchida, K., K. Karakida, Y. Iwachido, T. Mori and T. Okuro. (2023) The designation of a historical site to maintain plant diversity in the Tokyo metropolitan region. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 84, 127919-127919.

Walie, M., F. Tegegne, Y. Mekuriaw, A. Tsunekawa, N. Kobayashi, T. Ichinohe, N. Haregeweyn, A. Tassew, S. Mekuriaw, T. Masunaga, T. Okuro, M. Tsubo, D.T. Meshesha, E. Adgo, T. Mulualem. (2023) Biomass yield, quality, and soil nutrients of pasture influenced by farmyard manure and enrichment planting. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 88, 174-181.

Zhu, B., Hashimoto, S., and S. A. Cushman. (2023) A two concentric circles model incorporating availability of ecosystem services and affordability of humans to clarify the ecological security concept. Ecological Modelling, 481,  110343.

Tajima, Y., Hashimoto, S., Dasgupta, R., and Y. Takahashi. (2023) Spatial characterization of cultural ecosystem services in the Ishigaki Island of Japan: A comparison between residents and tourists. Ecosystem Services, 60, 101520.

Hori, K., Shirahamma, S., Hashimoto, S., Saito, O., Matsui, T., and C. Haga. (2023) Development of a method for downscaling ecological footprint and biocapacity to a 1-km square resolution, Sustainability Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-022-01283-z.

Haga, C., Maeda, M., Hotta, W., Matsui, T., Nakaoka, M., Morimoto, J., Shibata, H., Hashimoto, S., Saito, O., Okayasu, S., Hyejin, K., and G. Peterson. (2023)  Modeling desirable futures at local scale by combining the nature futures framework and multi-objective optimization, Sustainability Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-023-01301-8.

Takahashi, Y., Nishimaki, T., Hashimoto, S., Saito, O., Sekijima, T., and K. Matsushita (2023) Transformative change of paddy rice systems for biodiversity: A case study of the crested ibis certified rice system in Sado Island, Japan. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 47, 718-744.

Lahon, D., Sahariah, D., Debnath, J., Nath, N., Meraj, G., Kumar, P., Hashimoto, S. and M. Farooq (2023) Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC Changes Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study in the Merbil Wetland of the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 12(4):165. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi12040165

服部紘依・木村圭一・Undarmaa Jamsran・大黒俊哉 (2023) モンゴル荒廃草原の緑化修復に向けた種子コーティング手法の開発と発芽促進効果の検証. 日本緑化工学会誌, 49(1), 157-160.


Maki, T., T. Y. Tanaka, T. Koshiro, A. Shimizu, T. T. Sekiyama, M. Kajino, Y. Kurosaki, T. Okuro and N. Oshima. (2022) Changes in dust emissions in the Gobi Desert due to global warming using MRI-ESM2.0. SOLA, 18, 218-224.

Kimura, K., A. Kono, S. Yamada, T.F. Koyanagi and T. Okuro. (2022) Grazing and heat stress protection of native grass by a sand-fixing shrub in the arid lands of northern China. Journal of Arid Land, 14(8), 867-876.

Walie, M., F. Tegegne, Y. Mekuriaw, A. Tsunekawa, N. Kobayashi, T. Ichinohe, N. Haregeweyn, A. Tassew, S. Mekuriaw, T. Masunaga, T. Okuro, M. Tsubo, D. T. Meshesha, E. Adego. (2022) Effects of farmyard manure and Desmodium intercropping on forage grass growth, yield, and soil properties in different agro-ecologies of Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 8(1), 2082041.

野中貴文・土屋一彬・大黒俊哉 (2022) 都市住民は近隣環境に生息するセミ類の鳴き声をどのように認識しているのか? 保全生態学研究, 27, 169-179.


Kono, A. and T. Okuro. (2021) Spatial distribution of shrubs impacts relationships among saltation, roughness, and vegetation structure in an East Asian rangeland. Land, 10, 1224.

Zhang, J., H. Xiang, S. Hashimoto and T. Okuro. (2021) Observation scale matters for ecosystem services interactions and spatial distributions: A case study of the Ussuri watershed, China. Sustainability, 13, 10649.

Yamada, S., M. Nemoto and T. Okuro. (2021) Season and plant life-history stage in revegetation influence competition of foundation species, subordinate species, and weeds in a reclaimed grassland. Ecological Engineering, 162, 106178.

Miyasaka, T., E. Miyamori, T. Okuro, X. Zhao and K. Takeuchi. (2021) Comparison of nurse effect zones of shrubs versus trees for dryland rehabilitation in northeast China. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/rec.13364

Tsuchiya, K., Iha, K., Murthy, A., Lin, D., Altiok, S., Rupprecht, C.D.D., Kiyono, H., McGreevy, S.R. (2021) Decentralization & local food: Japan’s regional Ecological Footprints indicate localized sustainability strategies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 292, 126034.

Dasgupta, R., S. Hashimoto, M. Basu, T. Okuro, B.A. Johnson, P. Kumar and S. Dhyani. (2021) Spatial characterization of non-material values across multiple coastal production landscapes in the Indian Sundarban delta. Sustainability Science. doi.org/10.1007/s11625-020-00899-3.

山田大稀・内田圭・土屋一彬・市川薫・原祐二・ヘンリーブライアン・大黒俊哉 (2021) 東京都における街路樹ハナミズキの樹勢と道路空間構造の関係. ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集), 13, 94-99.


Matsuoka, T., K. Tsuchiya, S. Yamada, J. Lundholm and T. Okuro. Growth form affects companion planting of nectar-producing plant species with Sedum album for extensive green roofs. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 56, 126875.

Soga, M., Evans, M.J., Tsuchiya, K., Fukano, Y. (2020) A room with a green view – the importance of nearby nature for mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ecological Applications, e02248.

Soga, M., Evans, M.J., Yamanoi, T., Fukano, Y., Tsuchiya, K., Koyanagi, T.F., Kanai, T. (2020) How can we mitigate against increasing biophobia among children during the extinction of experience? Biological Conservation, 242, 108420.

Suvdantsetseg, B, B. Kherlenbayar, K. Nominbolor, M. Altanbagana, W. Yan, T. Okuro, T. Chuluun, T. Miyasaka, S. Wang, and X. Zhao. (2020) Assessment of pastoral vulnerability and its impacts on socio-economy of herding community and formulation of adaptation options. APN Science Bulletin, 10(1), 50-60. doi:10.30852/sb.2020.1107

Mekuriaw, S, A. Tsunekawa, T. Ichinohe, F. Tegegne, N. Haregeweyn, N. Kobayashi, A. Tassew, Y. Mekuriaw, M. Wale, M. Tsubo, T. Okuro, D.T. Meshesha, M. Meseret, L. Sam, V. Fievez. (2020) Effect of feeding improved grass hays and Eragrostis tef straw silage on milk yield, nitrogen balance, and methane emission of lactating Fogera dairy cows, Ethiopia. Animals, 10(6), 1021.

Haga C., M. Maeda, W. Hotta, T. Inoue, T. Matsui, T. Machimura, M. Nakaoka, J. Morimoto, H. Shibata, S. Hashimoto, O. Saito. (2020) Scenario Analysis of Renewable Energy–Biodiversity Nexuses using a Forest Landscape Model, Frontiers Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00155.

Basu M., R. DasGupta, S. Hashimoto, and S. Hoshino. (2020) A multi-actor and bottom-up perspective on attaining rural water security: qualitative evidence from India, Environment, Development and Sustainability, doi: 10.1007/s10668-020-00631-2

Liu L., Y. Liang, and S. Hashimoto. (2020) Integrated assessment of land-use/coverage changes and their impacts on ecosystem services in Gansu Province, northwest China: Implications for sustainable development goals, Sustainability Science, doi:10.1007/s11625-019-00758-w

Basu M., S. Hashimoto and R. DasGupta. (2019) The mediating role of place attachment between nature connectedness and human well-being: perspectives from Japan, Sustainability Science, 15, 849–862.

Mekuriaw, S., A. Tsunekawa, T. Ichinohe, F. Tegegne, N. Haregeweyn, N. Kobayashi, A. Tassewe, Y. Mekuriawe, M. Walie, M. Tsubo and T. Okuro. (2020) Mitigating the anti-nutritional effect of polyphenols on in vitro digestibility and fermentation characteristics of browse species in north western Ethiopia. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 52, 1287–1298.

松岡達也・大黒俊哉 (2020) 屋上緑化に用いられる蜜源植物の生育段階の違いがセダム混植の効果に及ぼす影響. 日本緑化工学会誌, 46(1), 103-106.

松岡達也・土屋一彬・大黒俊哉 (2020) 屋上緑化における保水効果と植物の生育状況にバイオ炭混合とセダム混植が与える影響. 日本緑化工学会誌, 45(4), 436-441.

大塚 美嵯子・橋本 禅 (2020) 東京都の農の風景育成地区制度の実行性の評価. ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集), 13, 8-15.

松村 晃嗣・橋本 禅 (2020) 環境配慮行動の要因連関モデルを用いた都市近郊里地里山の保全活動の規定因分析. ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集), 13, 1-7.


Kabaya K., S. Hashimoto and K. Takeuchi. (2019) Which cultural ecosystem services is more important? A best-worst scaling approach, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, https://doi.org/10.1080/21606544.2019.1683470

Shitas N., Z. Harmáčková, J. Anticamara, A. Arneth, R. Badola, R. Biggs, R. Blanchard, L. Brotons, M. Cantele, K.Coetzer, R. DasGupta, E. den Belder, S. Ghosh, A. Guisan, H. Gundimeda, M. Hamann, P. Harrison, S. Hashimoto, J. Hauck, B. Klatt, K. Kok, R. Krug, A. Niamir, P. O’Farrell, S. Okayasu, I. Palomo, L. Pereira, P. Riordan, F. Santos-Martín, O. Selomane, YJ Shin, MV Tobar. (2019) Exploring the usefulness of scenario archetypes in science-policy processes: experience across IPBES assessments, Ecology and Society.

Hashimoto, S., Y. Sato and H. Morimoto. (2019) Public-private collaboration in allotment garden operation has the potential to provide ecosystem services to urban dwellers more efficiently, Paddy and Water Environment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10333-019-00734-1.

Sawasaki, T., S. Hashimoto. and T. Kishioka. (2019) Unveiling voluntary farmland registration program to secure open-space for risk reduction and post-disaster restoration from earthquakes: lessons learned from practices in Chukyo and Kinki, Japan, Paddy and Water Environment, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10333-019-00719-0.

Yanagawa, A., H. Fujimaki, U. Jamsran, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi. (2019) Changes in dominant perennial species affects soil hydraulic properties after crop abandonment in a semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Eurasian Soil Science, 52(11), 1378-1390.

Cao, G., K. Tsuchiya, W. Zhu and T. Okuro. (2019) Vegetation dynamics of abandoned paddy fields and surrounding wetlands in the lower Tumen River Basin, Northeast China. PeerJ, 7:e6704.

Soga, M., Tsuchiya, K., Evans, M.J., Ishibashi, S. (2019) The inequalities of the extinction of experience: the role of personal characteristics and species traits in the distribution of people-plant interactions in Japan. Ecological Research, 34, 350-359.

Uetake, T., K. Kabaya, K. Ichikawa, N. Moriwake and S. Hashimoto. (2019) Quantitative analysis of national biodiversity strategy and action plans about incorporating integrated approaches in production landscapes. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (online)

Saito, O., S. Hashimoto, S. Managi, M. Aiba, T. Yamakita, R. DasGupta and K. Takeuchi. (2019) Future scenarios for socio‑ecological production landscape and seascape. Sustainability Science, 14, 1-4.

Saito, O., C. Kamiyama, S. Hashimoto, T. Matsui, K. Shoyama, K. Kabaya, T. Uetake, H. Taki, Y. Ishikawa, K. Matsushita, F. Yamane, J. Hori, T. Ariga and K. Takeuchi. (2019) Co-design of national-scale future scenarios in Japan to predict and assess natural capital and ecosystem services. Sustainability Science, 14, 5-21.

Matsui, T., C. Haga, O. Saito and S. Hashimoto. (2019) Spatially explicit residential and working population assumptions for projecting and assessing natural capital and ecosystem services in Japan. Sustainability Science, 14, 23-37.

Shoyama, K., T. Matsui, S. Hashimoto, K. Kabaya, A. Oono and O. Saito. (2019) Development of land-use scenarios using vegetation inventories in Japan. Sustainability Science, 14, 39-52.

Hashimoto, S., R. DasGupta, K. Kabaya, T. Matsui, C. Haga, O. Saito and K. Takeuchi. (2019), Scenario analysis of land-use and ecosystem services of social-ecological landscapes: implications of alternative development pathways under declining population in the Noto Peninsula, Japan. Sustainability Science, 14, 53-75.

Kabaya, K., S. Hashimoto, N. Fukuyo and T. Uetake. (2019) Investigating future ecosystem services through participatory scenario building and spatial ecological–economic modelling. Sustainability Science, 14, 77-88.

Haga, C., T. Inoue, W. Hotta, R. Shibata, S. Hashimoto, H. Kurokawa, T. Machimura, T. Matsui, J. Morimoto and H. Shibata. (2019) Simulation of natural capital and ecosystem services in a watershed in Northern Japan focusing on the future underuse of nature: by linking forest landscape model and social scenarios. Sustainability Science, 14, 89-106.

DasGupta, R. S. Hashimoto and H. Gundimeda. (2019) Biodiversity/ecosystem services scenario exercises from the Asia–Pacific: typology, archetypes and implications for sustainable development goals (SDGs). Sustainability Science, 14, 241-257.

Matsuoka, T., K. Tsuchiya, S. Yamada, J. Lundholm and T. Okuro. (2019) Value of Sedum species as companion plants for nectar-producing plants depends on leaf characteristics of the Sedum. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 39, 35-44.

Jiao, Y., Y. Ding, Z. Zha and T. Okuro. (2019) Crises of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Satoyama Landscape of Japan: A Review on the Role of Management. Sustainability, 11, 454.

DasGupta, R., S. Hashimoto, T. Okuro and M. Basu. (2019) Scenario-based land change modelling in the Indian Sundarban delta: An exploratory analysis of plausible alternative regional futures. Sustainability Science, 14, 221-240.

山田晋・白土晃一・根本正之・大黒俊哉 (2019) 貧栄養土壌におけるススキ群落の早期再生に向けたススキと群落従属種の初期生育の解明. ランドスケープ研究, 82(5), 691-696.


Saito, O., C. Kamiyama and S. Hashimoto. (2018) Non-Market Food Provision and Sharing in Japan’s Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes. Sustainability, 10(1), 213.

Plieninger, T., R. Kohsaka, C. Bieling, S. Hashimoto, C. Kamiyama, T. Kizos, M. Penker, P. Kieninger, B. J. Shaw, G. B. Sioen, Y. Yoshida, O. Saito (2018) Fostering biocultural diversity in landscapes through place-based food networks: A “solution scan” of European and Japanese models. Sustainability Science 13(1),  219–233.

Tanaka-Oda, A., I. Endo, N. Ohte, D. Eer, N. Yamanaka, M. Hirobe, N. Shonhor, A. Koyama, S. Jambal, M. Katsuyama, T. Nakamura, N. Matsuo, J. Undarmaa, T. Okuro and K. Yoshikawa. (2018) A water-acquisition strategy may regulate the biomass and distribution of winter forage species in cold Asian rangeland. Ecosphere 9(12), e02511.

Sasaki, T., A. Koyama and T. Okuro. (2018) Coupling structural and functional thresholds for vegetation changes on a Mongolian shrubland. Ecological Indicators, 93, 1264-1275.

Soga, M., Yamanoi, T., Tsuchiya, K., Koyanagi, T.F., Kanai, T. (2018) What are the drivers of and barriers to children’s direct experiences of nature? Landscape and Urban Planning, 180, 114-120.

Oda,K., Rupprecht,C.D.D., Tsuchiya, K., McGreevy, S.R. (2018): Urban agriculture as a sustainability transition strategy for shrinking cities? Land use change trajectory as an obstacle in Kyoto City, Japan. Sustainability, 10(4), 1048.

麥田隼希・土屋一彬・松岡達也・山田晋・大黒俊哉 (2018) 屋上緑化の雨水流出抑制機能に植物種の違いとバイオチャーの利用が与える影響. 日本緑化工学会誌, 44(1), 44(1), 69-74.

土屋一彬・斎藤昌幸 (2018) 都市の生物多様性研究は何を目的や対象としてきたか?:国内研究の動向分析. 保全生態学研究, 23(2), 265-278.

斎藤昌幸・土屋一彬・倉島治・伊藤元己 (2018) 景観生態学的アプローチにおいて都市化の指標として用いられる人口密度と都市的土地利用の関係とその地域差. 応用生態工学, 20(2), 205-212.


Spiegelberg, M., D. E. Baltazar, P. Sarigumba, P. Miralles, S.Hoshino, S. Hashimoto, M. Taniguchi and A. Endo (2017) Unfolding livelihood aspects of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Dampalit Watershed, Philippines. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 11, 53-68.

Basu, M., S. Hoshino, S. Hashimoto and R. DasGupta (2017) Determinants of water consumption: A cross-sectional household study in drought-prone rural India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 24(2017), 373-382.

Kishioka T., S. Hashimoto, M. Nishi, O. Saito and Ryo Kohsaka (2017) Fostering cooperation between farmers and public and private actors to expand environmentally friendly rice cultivation: intermediary functions and farmers’ perspectives. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 15(5), 593–612.

Hara, Y., Osugi, T., Tsuchiya, K., Murakami, A., Palijon, A.M. (2017) Post-disaster recovery linked with pre-disaster land development and damage density of Typhoon Yolanda: Toward better land use planning in Tacloban City, the Philippines. Journal of Environmental Information Science, 2017(2), 1-12.

Kakinuma, K., A. Terui, T. Sasaki, A. Koyama, J. Undarmaa, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi. (2017) Detection of vegetation trends in highly variable environments after grazing exclusion in Mongolia. Journal of Vegetation Science, 28, 965-974.

Shoyama, K., C. Kamiyama, J. Morimoto, M. Ooba and T. Okuro. (2017) A review of modeling approaches for ecosystem services assessment in the Asian region. Ecosystem Services, 26, 316-328.

Miyasaka, T., Q. B. Le, T. Okuro, X. Zhao and K. Takeuchi. (2017) Agent-based modeling of complex social-ecological feedback loops to assess multi-dimensional trade-offs in dryland ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology, 32, 707–727.

松岡達也・土屋一彬・大黒俊哉 (2017) 屋上緑化に用いられるセダム類の葉の形質の違いが蒸発散量に及ぼす影響. 日本緑化工学会誌, 43(1), 115-120.


Tani, Y., S. Hashimoto and M. Ochiai (2016) What makes rural traditional, cultures more sustainable? Implications from conservation efforts in mountainous rural communities of Japan. Landscape Research, 41(8), 892-905.

Hashimoto, S. and M. Nishi (2016) Policy evolution of land consolidation and rural development in postwar Japan. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape, 3, 57–75.

Sato, Y., Higuchi, A., Takami, A., Murakami, A., Masutomi, Y., Tsuchiya, K., Goto, D., Nakajima, T. (2016) Regional variability in the impacts of future land use on summertime temperatures in Kanto region, the Japanese megacity. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 20, 43-55.

Miyasaka, T., T. Okuro, X. Zhao and K. Takeuchi. (2016) Classification of land use on sand-dune topography by object-based analysis, digital photogrammetry, and GIS analysis in the Horqin Sandy Land, China. Environments, 3(3), 17.

Yanagawa, A., T. Sasaki, U. Jamsran, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi. (2016) Factors limiting vegetation recovery processes after cessation of cropping in a semiarid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments, 131, 1-5.

Koyama, A., D. Kubo, Y. Yoshihara, U. Jamsran and T. Okuro. (2016) Response of degraded vegetation to introduction of prescribed burning or mowing management in a Mongolian steppe. Grassland Science, 62, 37-44.

Kamiyama, C., Hashimoto, S., Kohsaka, R., and Saito, O. (2016). Non-market food provisioning services via homegardens and communal sharing in satoyama socio-ecological production landscapes on Japan’s Noto peninsula. Ecosystem Services, 17, 185–196.

曹鵬・土屋一彬・大黒俊哉 (2016) 砂漠化対処が地域住民の生態系サービスへの認識に与える影響: 中国内蒙古奈曼旗における退耕還林事業地を事例として. 農村計画学会誌, 35, 295-300.

栗田英治・土屋一彬・菊池義浩 (2016) 津波浸水域の土地利用履歴にもとづく土地活用の方向性: 宮城県山元町花釜地区を事例に. 農村計画学会誌, 35, 161-166.


Yoshihara, Y., A. Koyama, U. Jamsran and T. Okuro. (2015) Prescribed burning experiments for restoration of degraded semi-arid Mongolian steppe. Plant Ecology, 216, 1649-1658.

Tsuchiya, K., Hara, Y., Thaitakoo, D. (2015) Linking food and land systems for sustainable peri-urban agriculture in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Landscape and Urban Planning, 143, 192-204.

Yanagawa, A., H. Fujimaki, T. Okuro and U. Jamsran and K. Takeuchi (2015) Comparison of drought tolerances in a root water uptake model for two co-occurring grass species in Mongolia. Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Physics 130, 3-10.

Lee, J.H., K. Kakinuma, T. Okuro and Y. Iwasa (2015) Coupled social and ecological dynamics of herders in Mongolian rangelands. Ecological Economics 114, 208-217.

Koyama, A., T. Sasaki, U. Jamsran and T. Okuro (2015) Shrub cover regulates population dynamics of herbaceous plants at individual-shrub scale on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Vegetation Science 26, 441-451.

Koyama, A., Y. Yoshihara, U. Jamsran and T. Okuro (2015) Role of tussock morphology in providing protection from grazing for neighbouring palatable plants in a semi-arid Mongolian rangeland. Plant Ecology & Diversity 8, 163–171.

Zhou, D., M. Aoyagi, T. Okayasu, H. Mastuda, Y. Hara, T. Okuro and K.Takeuchi (2015) The resilience of traditional rice-dominated agricultural communities to precipitation variability in the North China Plain. Climate Research 62, 149-161.

安部真生・山田晋・根本正之・大黒俊哉 (2015) チガヤ草地内のギャップサイズが在来種植栽個体の生育に及ぼす影響―生育型に着目してー. 日本緑化工学会誌41(1), 91-96.


Kakinuma, K., T. Okayasu, U. Jamsran, T. Ohkuro and K. Takeuchi (2014) Herding strategies during a drought vary at multiple scales in Mongolian rangelands. Journal of Arid Environments 109, 88-91.

Muhamad, D., S. Okubo, K. Harashina, Parikesit, B. Gunawan and K. Takeuchi (2014) Living close to forests enhances local people’s knowledge and perception of ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 8, 197-206.

Kakinuma, K., T. Sasaki, U. Jamsran, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi (2014) Relationship between pastoralists’ evaluation of rangeland state and vegetation threshold changes in Mongolia rangelands. Environmental Management 54, 888–896.

Miyasaka, T., T. Okuro, E. Miyamori, X. Zhao and K. Takeuchi (2014) Effects of different restoration measures and sand dune topography on short- and long-term vegetation restoration in northeast China. Journal of Arid Environments 111, 1-6.

Tsuchiya, K., M. Aoyagi, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi (2014) The potential of, and threat to, the transfer of ecological knowledge in urban areas: The case of community-based woodland management in Tokyo, Japan. Ecology and Society 19 (2), 25.

Nakamura, S., T. Tsuge, S. Okubo, K. Takeuchi and U. Nisikawa (2014) Exploring Factors Affecting Farmers’ Implementation of Wildlife-Friendly Farming on Sado Island, Japan. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 5(4), 370-380.

中澤菜穂子・神山千穂・齊藤修・大黒俊哉・武内和彦 (2014) 能登地域のキノコ・山菜の採取活動と生態系サービス. 土木学会論文集G (環境) 70(6), II_141-150.


Kakinuma, K., T. Okayasu, T. Sasaki, T. Okuro, U. Jamsran and K. Takeuchi (2013) Rangeland management in highly variable environments: Resource variations across the landscape mediate the impact of grazing on vegetation in Mongolia. Grassland Science 59, 44-51.

Sasaki, T., T. Ohkuro, K. Kakinuma, T. Okayasu, U. Jamsran and K. Takeuchi (2013) Vegetation in a post-ecological threshold state may not recover after short-term livestock exclusion in Mongolian rangelands. Arid Land Research and Management 27, 101-110.

Tsuchiya, K., T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi (2013) The combined effects of conservation policy and co-management alter the understory vegetation of urban woodlands: a case study in the Tama Hills area, Japan. Landscape and Urban Planning 110, 87-98.

Muhamad, D., S. Okubo, T. Miyasita, Parikesit and K. Takeuchi (2013) Effect of habitat type,vegetation structure,and proximity to forests on bird species richness in a forest-agricultural landscape of West Java,Indonesia. Agroforestry Systems 87, 1247-1260.

Yamada, S., Y. Kitagawa and S. Okubo (2013) A comparative study of the seed banks of abandoned paddy fields along a chronosequence in Japan. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 176, 70-78.


Okuro, T., Y. Jiao and S. Yamamoto (2012) Integrated assessment of biodiversity and multi-functionality of Satoyama landscapes. Global Environmental Research 16, 205-212.

Sasaki, T., T. Okuro, U. Jamsran and K. Takeuchi (2012) Changes in the herbage nutritive value and yield associated with threshold responses of vegetation to grazing in Mongolian rangelands. Grass and Forage Science 67, 446-455.

Okayasu, T., T. Okuro, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2012) Degraded rangeland dominated by unpalatable forbs exhibits large-scale spatial heterogeneity. Plant Ecology 213, 625-635.

Okayasu, T., T. Okuro, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2012) Inherent density-dependency of wet-season range even at the extreme of nonequilibrium. Journal of Arid Environments 78, 144-153.

Jiao, Y., X. Li, L. Liang, K. Takeuchi, T. Okuro, D. Zhang and L. Sun (2012) Indigenous ecological knowledge and natural resource management in the cultural landscape of China’s Hani Terraces. Ecological Research 27, 247-263.

Okubo,S., A. Tomatsu, Parikesit, D. Muhamad, K. Harashina,K. and K. Takeuchi (2012) Leaf functional traits and functional diversity of multistoried agroforests in West Java,Indonesia. Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment 149,91-99.

Koyanagi, T., Y. Kusumoto, S. Yamamoto, S. Okubo, N. Iwasaki and K. Takeuchi (2012) Grassland plant functional groups exhibit distinct time-lags in response to historical landscape change. Plant Ecology 213,327-338.

Koyanagi, T., Y. Kusumoto, S. Yamamoto K. and Takeuchi (2012) Potential roles of small and linear habitat fragments in satoyama landscapes for conservation of grassland plant species. Urban Ecosystems 15, 893-909.


Zhao, H., T. Okuro, R. Zhou, Y. Li and X. Zuo (2011) Effects of grazing and climate change on sandy grassland ecosystems in Inner Mongolia. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 3, 223-232.

Miyasaka, T., T. Okuro, H. Zhao, X. Zhao, X. Zuo and K. Takeuchi (2011) Impacts of the local land-use system in a semi-arid region of northeastern China on soil properties, crop growth, and weed communities. Journal of Arid Environments 75, 1155-1163.

Sasaki, T., S. Okubo, T. Okayasu, U. Jamsran, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi (2011) Indicator species and functional groups as predictors of proximity to ecological thresholds in Mongolian rangelands. Plant Ecology 212, 327-342.

Okayasu, T., T. Okuro, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2011) Threshold distinctions between equilibrium and non-equilibrium pastoral systems along a continuous climatic gradient. Rangeland Ecology & Management 64, 10-17.

Zhou, D., K. Tsuchiya, Y. Hara, H. Matsuda, T. Okayasu and K. Takeuchi (2011) Agricultural land dynamics in peri-urban areas: a case study of Xiqing district, Tianjin, China. Journal of Environmental Information Science 39(5), 61-70.

小柳知代・楠本良延・山本勝利・大久保悟・北川淑子・武内和彦(2011)管理放棄後樹林化したススキ型草地における埋土種子による草原生植物の回復可能性. 保全生態学研究 16(1), 85-97.


Yoshihara, Y., T. Okuro, B. Buuveibaatar, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2010) Complementary effects of disturbance by livestock and marmots on the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and soil in a Mongolian steppe ecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 135, 155-159.

Yoshihara, Y., T. Okuro, B. Buuveibaatar, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2010) Pollinators are attracted to mounds created by burrowing animals (marmots) in a Mongolian grassland. Journal of Arid Environments 74, 159-163.

Okayasu, T., T. Okuro, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2010) An intrinsic mechanism for the co-existence of different survival strategies within mobile pastoralist communities. Agricultural Systems 103, 180-188.

Yoshihara Y., T. Okuro, B. Buuveibaatar, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2010) Spatial pattern of grazing affects influence of herbivores on spatial heterogeneity of plants and soils. Oecologia 162, 427-434.

Yoshihara Y., T. Okuro, B. Buuveibaatar, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2010) Clustered animal burrows yield higher spatial heterogeneity. Plant Ecology 206, 211-224.

Okayasu, T., T. Okuro, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2010) Impact of the spatial and temporal arrangement of pastoral use on desertification around animal concentration points. Land Degradation and Development 21, 248-259.

Yoshihara Y, T. Okuro, B. Buuveibaatar, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2010) Responses of vegetation to soil disturbance by Sibelian marmots within a landscape and between landscape positions in Hustai National Park, Mongolia. Grassland Science 56, 42-50.

Sasaki, T., Y. Yoshihara, U. Jamsran and T. Okuro (2010) Ecological stoichiometry explains larger-scale facilitation processes. Ecological Engineering 36, 1070-1075.

Okuro, T. (2010) Current status of desertification issues with special reference to sustainable provision of ecosystem services in Northeast Asia. Global Environmental Research 14, 3-10.

Okayasu, T., T. Okuro, U. Jamsran and K. Takeuchi (2010) Desertification emerges through cross-scale interaction. Global Environmental Research 14, 71-77.

Yoshihara, Y., T. Sasaki, T. Okuro, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2010) Cross-spatial-scale patterns in the facilitative effect of shrubs and potential for restoration of desert steppe. Ecological Engineering 36, 1719-1724.

Okubo, S., Parikesit, D. Muhamad, K. Harashina, K. Takeuchi and M. Umezaki (2010) Land use/cover classification of a complex agricultural landscape using single-dated very high spatial resolution satellite-sensed imagery. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 36(6), 722-736.

Okubo, S., Parikesit, K. Harashina, D. Muhamad, O. S. Abdoellah and K. Takeuchi (2010) Traditional perennial crop-based agroforestry in West Java: The tradeoff between on-farm biodiversity and income. Agroforestry Systems 80, 17-31.

Tsuchiya, K., Takeuchi, K. (2010): Satoyama conservation strategies of different municipalities in the urban fringe of the Tokyo metropolitan area.Journal of International City Planning, 1, 265-274.

青島一樹・土屋一彬・大久保悟・武内和彦 (2010): 八王子市における条例による市街地内樹林地の保全及び管理に関する研究. ランドスケープ研究, 73(5), 615-618.

原祐二・ゴンダレカー・ダフネ・武内和彦(2010)中国天津市環城4区における土地利用変化とその要因. ランドスケープ研究 73, 747-750.

星野亜季・藤巻晴行・大黒俊哉・武内和彦 (2010) 土壌水分センサーの動作不良発生状況およびロガー依存出力値について. 土壌の物理性 114, 23-25.


Sasaki, T., T. Okayasu, T. Okuro, Y. Shirato, U. Jamsran and K. Takeuchi (2009) Rainfall variability may modify the effects of long-term exclosure on vegetation in Mandalgobi, Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments 73, 949-954.

Hoshino, A., Y. Yoshihara, T. Sasaki, T. Okayasu, U. Jamsran, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi (2009) Comparison of vegetation changes along grazing gradients with different numbers of livestock. Journal of Arid Environments 73, 687-690.

Sasaki, T., S. Okubo, T. Okayasu, U. Jamsran, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi (2009) Two-phase functional redundancy in plant communities along a grazing gradient in Mongolian rangelands. Ecology 90, 2598-2608.

Li, Y., J. Cui, T. Zhang, T. Okuro and S. Drake (2009) Effectiveness of sand-fixing measures on desert land restoration in Kerqin Sandy Land, northern China. Ecological Engineering 35, 118-127.

Zhao, H., T. Okuro, Y. Li, X. Zuo, G. Huang and R. Zhou (2009) Changes of plant community in grazing and restoration processes in Horqin Sand Land, Inner Mongolia. Journal of Desert Research 29, 229-235.

Yoshihara, Y., T. Okuro, B. Buuveibaatar and K. Takeuchi (2009) Effects of disturbance by Siberian marmots (Marmota sibirica) on spatial heterogeneity of vegetation at multiple spatial scales. Grassland Science 55, 89-95.

Yoshihara, Y., T. Okuro, U. Jamsran, T. Sasaki and K. Takeuchi (2009) Are small rodents key promoters of ecosystem restoration in harsh environments? A case study of abandoned croplands on Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Arid Environments 73, 364-368.

Sasaki, T., S. Okubo, T. Okayasu, U. Jamsran, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi (2009) Management applicability of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis across Mongolian rangeland ecosystems. Ecological Applications 19, 423-432.

Hoshino, A., Y. Yoshihara, U. Jamsran, T. Okuro and K. Takeuchi (2009) Effects of vegetation gap on subsequent species richness and cover on abandoned cropland in semi-arid grasslands of Mongolia. Sand Dune Research 56(2), 29-38.

Zhao, H., T. Okuro, R. Zhou, Y. Li, X Zuo and G. Huang (2009) Effects of grazing and climate change on species diversity in sandy grassland, Inner Mongolia, China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 1, 30-38.

Koyanagi, T., Y. Kusumoto, S. Yamamoto, S. Okubo and K. Takeuchi (2009) Historical impacts on linear habitats: The present distribution of grassland species in forest-edge vegetation. Biological Conservation 142, 1674-1684.

小柳知代・楠本良延・山本勝利・武内和彦(2009)年二回の草刈によって成立する道路沿い林縁部刈取草地における草原生植物の生育状況. ランドスケープ研究 72, 507-510.

星越明日香・原祐二・岡安智生・鹿野陽子・武内和彦(2009)バンコク郊外住宅地域における分譲住宅団地内緑地の整備実態. ランドスケープ研究 72, 687-692.

土屋一彬・武内和彦(2009)金沢都市農村圏における水路網保全施策展開後の管理体制の課題. 農村計画学会誌, 27, 245-250.

山本勝利・楠本良延・徳岡良則・大黒俊哉・井手任 (2009) 外来植物による農業水利施設周辺への影響度評価手法の開発. 農村計画学会誌 27, 347-352.


Sasaki, T., T. Okayasu, U. Jamsran and K. Takeuchi (2008) Threshold changes in vegetation along a grazing gradient in Mongolian rangelands. Journal of Ecology 96, 145-154.

Zhao, H., T. Okuro, R. Zhou, Y. Li, X. Zuo and G. Huang (2008) Effects of human activity and climate changes on vegetation in Horqin Sandy Grassland, Inner Mongolia. Advances in Earth Science 23, 408-414.

Zhao, H., T. Okuro, Y. Li, X. Zuo, G. Huang and R. Zhou (2008) Effects of human activities and climate changes on plant diversity in Horqin Sandy Grassland, Inner Mongolia. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 17(5), 1-8.

Hara, Y., D. Thaitakoo and K. Takeuchi (2008) Landform transformation on the urban fringe of Bangkok: the need to review land-use planning processes with consideration of the flow of fill materials to developing areas. Landscape and Urban Planning 84, 74-91.

Sasaki, T., T. Okayasu, Y. Shirato, U. Jamsran, S. Okubo and K. Takeuchi (2008) Can edaphic factors demonstrate landscape-scale differences in vegetation responses to grazing? Plant Ecology 194, 51-66.

Ichikawa, K., T. Okayasu and K. Takeuchi (2008) Characteristics in the distribution of the woodland vegetation in the southern Kanto region since the early 20th century. Journal of Environmental Information Science 36(5), 103-108, 2008.

Okayasu, T., H. Nakamura and K. Takeuchi (2008) Possible countermeasures to counter desertification and drought in a desert-steppe region of Mongolia. Journal of Environmental Information Science 36(5), 141-150.

Hara, Y., K. Takeuchi, A. M. Palijon and A. Murakami (2008) Landfill development in the urban fringe of Metro Manila. GeoJournal 71, 127-141.

小柳知代・楠本良延・山本勝利・武内和彦(2008)立地条件の異なるススキ型二次草地における埋土種子相と地上植生の比較. ランドスケープ研究 71, 589-592.

横田樹広・武内和彦(2008)オブジェクト指向分析を用いた台地・丘陵地における都市ランドスケープの入れ子構造の把握. 環境情報科学論文集 22, 529-534.

大黒俊哉・山本勝利・三田村強 (2008) 欧州連合における「自然的価値の高い農地」の選定プロセス. 農村計画学会誌 27, 38-43.

有田博之・山本真由美・大黒俊哉・友正達美 (2008) 耕作放棄田の復田を前提とした農地資源保全戦略. 農業農村工学会論文集 254, 23-29.


Fujiwara, H., T. Fukuyama, Y. Shirato, T. Okuro, I. Taniyama and T. Zhang (2007) Deposition of atmospheric 137Cs in Japan associated with the Asian dust event of March 2002. Science of The Total Environment 384, 306-315.

Yamada, S., S. Okubo, Y. Kitagawa and K. Takeuchi (2007) Restoration of weed communities in abandoned rice paddy fields in the Tama Hills, central Japan. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 119, 88-102.

Sasaki, T., T. Okayasu,  Y. Shirato, U. Jamsran and K. Takeuchi (2007) Quantifying the resilience of plant communities under different grazing intensities in a degraded shurubland: A case study in Mandalgobi, Mongolia. Grassland Science 53, 192-195.

Okayasu, T., J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2007) Monitoring land degradation in mountainous Mongolia by spectral unmixing of satellite imagery. Journal of Environmental Information Science 35(5), 57-64.

Okayasu, T., M. Muto, J. Undarmaa and K. Takeuchi (2007) Spatially heterogeneous impacts on rangeland after social system change in Mongolia. Land Degradation and Development 18, 555-556.

Gondhalekar, D., Y. Hara and K. Takeuchi (2007) Urban land expansion and cultivated land loss in the Beijing Tianjin region, China. Proceedings, International Symposium on City Planning 2007, 98-107.

Hara, Y., Y. Ogasawara, A. M. Palijon and K. Takeuchi (2007) Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of greenery in suburban residential districts of Metro Manila. Proceedings, International Symposium on City Planning 2007, 418-427.

平澤 毅・鹿野陽子・武内和彦(2007)日本とイタリアにおける発掘庭園の特性に関する比較検討. ランドスケープ研究 70, 351-354.

小柳知代・楠本良延・山本勝利・大黒俊哉・井手任・武内和彦 (2007) 関東地方平野部におけるススキを主体とした二次草地の過去と現在の種組成の比較. ランドスケープ研究 70, 439-444.

楠本良延・山本勝利・大黒俊哉・井手任 (2007) 利根川流域の水田周辺における植物群落の多様性と景観構造の関係. ランドスケープ研究 70, 445-448.

市川 薫・原 祐二・ブライアン P.ヘンリ-・アンドルー J.ストアー(2007)武内和彦: 東京23区における街路樹ハナミズキの植栽環境と生育状況. ランドスケープ研究 70, 527-532.

土屋一彬・鹿野陽子・武内和彦(2007)金沢市における都市化の下での水路網の消失および残存の背景. 環境情報科学論文集 21, 165-170.

有田博之・大黒俊哉 (2007) 木本が侵入した耕作放棄田の復田コスト-新潟県上越市大島地区を事例として-. 農業土木学会論文集 249, 17-24.

有田博之・大黒俊哉 (2007) 木本植生の制御を目的とした耕作放棄田の維持管理-新潟県上越市大島地区の調査に基づく検討-. 農業土木学会論文集 249, 25-30.

有田博之・山本真由美・大黒俊哉・友正達美 (2007) 湿性環境の草本侵入耕作放棄田における復田コスト-新潟県柏崎市大島地区における事例検討-. 農業土木学会論文集 248, 185-190.


Okuro, T., Y. Shirato, H. Fujiwara, I. Taniyama, T. Imagawa, M. Shi, T. Zhang, X. Zhao, H. Zhao, J. Yang and Wuyunna (2006) Toward restoration and sustainable use of grassland in Horqin Sandy Land -15 years of Japan-China collaborative studies-. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 15 Supp., 296-298.

Ichikawa, K., N. Okubo, S. Okubo and K. Takeuchi (2006) Transition of the satoyama landscape in the urban fringe of the Tokyo metropolitan area from 1880 to 2001. Landscape and Urban Planning 78, 398-410.

Adboellah, O. S., H. Y. Hadikusumah, K. Takeuchi, S. Okubo and Parikesit (2006) Commercialization of homegardens in an Indonesian village: Vegetation composition and functional changes. Agroforestry Systems 68, 1-13.

Komiyama, H. and K. Takeuchi (2006) Sustainability science: Building a new discipline. Sustainability Science 1, 1-6.

楠本良延・山本勝利・大黒俊哉・井手任 (2006) 景観構造に関する調査・情報システムとそれを利用したチョウ類の生息ポテンシャル評価. 農村計画学会誌 25, 281-286.

米澤健一・武内和彦(2006)中山間地域等直接支払制度における集落協定の規模と農地の立地条件による類型化―新潟県旧十日町市における事例研究―. 農村計画学会誌 25, 497-502.

三瓶由紀・武内和彦(2006)里地保全に関連する市町村条例の類型化に関する考察. ランドスケープ研究 69, 763-766.

岡安智生・佐々木雄大・Undarmaa Jamsran・武内和彦(2006)生態系モデルを用いた異なる立地特性における砂漠化プロセスの差異に関する研究. 環境情報科学論文集 20, 59-64.

森 暁雄・岡安智生・佐々木雄大・ジャムサランウンダルマー・武内和彦(2006)モンゴル乾燥・半乾燥地域における植生指数の空間パターンを利用した砂漠化モニタリング手法の検討. 環境情報科学論文集 20, 351-356.

横田樹広・武内和彦(2006)高解像度都市緑被モニタリングによる都市内小規模緑被の分布把握とチョウ類を指標とした生態系ネットワーク機能の評価. 都市計画論文集 41, 361-366.